
Sabtu, 31 Juli 2010


Cataract is clouding lens in the eye. It affect the vision. The most common symptoms of cataract is noticeable blurring and worsening of vision. Other symptoms include the dimming and fading of colors, decreased night vision, problem bright lights and sunshine, and in many cases, regular visits to the opthalmologist in glasses and contact lens prescription as vision worsen. Some patients report double vision in the affected eye.
Diabetes and obesity have both been associated with early onset of cataract formation. Other risk of the development of cataract include lifestyle behavior such as smoking and the use of alcohol.
If a cataract is causing minor vision problems many patient will opt to better their vision through glasses or contact lenses. Eventually, however, when and if the cataract begins to have greater impact on the quality of live of the individual, there is the option of surgery. There are three kind procedure of cataract surgery include phacoemulfication, intracapsular surgery and extra capsular surgery.

2 komentar:

  1. Kapan2 tulis tentang hal2 yg menyebabkan nyeri periorbita ya pak dokter... soalnya sa suka lelah gt klo belajar ato buka laptop terus... sepertinya nyeri di sekitar rongga mata dan di daerah alis...

  2. Ok dek desy saran yang bagus soalnya sekarang banyak dari kita yang dalam sehari mungkin berjam-jam di depan lap top apalagi yang berprofesi sebagai blogger dan internet marketer...yang jelas hal seperti itu sudah menjadi gaya hidup...btw terimakasih sudah mampir di blog aku..
